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Can wearing high heels cause back pain? Complete Guide 2024

Tuesday, 06 February 2024 19:00

High heels have long been a symbol of fashion and elegance, worn by millions of women around the world. However, while they may enhance your outfit and boost your confidence, there is a downside to wearing high heels too often. Many women experience lower back pain, achy hips, and tightness in the leg muscles as a result of wearing high heels. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the impact of wearing high heels on your back and discuss ways to relieve back pain and prevent injury.

The Effect of Wearing High Heels on your Back

When you slip on a pair of high heels, you may not realize the toll it takes on your back. High heels can alter the natural alignment of your spine, putting you at risk for back pain. The spine is made up of vertebrae stacked on top of each other, with jelly-filled discs that act as cushions between them. Its natural shape is a gentle S-curve that allows for smooth movement and supports the entire body evenly.

However, when you wear high heels, the alignment of your spine is compromised. The body tries to compensate for the imbalance by bending or flexing the spine and hips, tensing the muscles of the calves, hips, and back. This can lead to fatigue, strain, and uneven wear and tear on the ligaments, joints, and vertebral discs of the back.

Reasons Why High Heels Are Bad For Your Back

Spinal Injuries that May Result from wearing High Heels

Wearing high heels regularly can have long-term effects on your back and spine. Here are some of the spinal injuries that may result from wearing high heels:

  1. Foraminal Stenosis:
    This condition occurs when the intervertebral foramen, narrow openings along the spine, become narrowed. When one of the intervertebral discs slips or herniates, it can compress nerves and cause pain.
  2. Spondylolisthesis:
    This condition, commonly known as a slipped vertebra, happens when one vertebra slips out of place over the vertebra below it. It can occur in the lower back and is often caused by abnormal alignment of the facet joints.
  3. Sciatica:
    The sciatic nerve, one of the largest nerves in the body, stretches from the lower back, along the hips, and down the legs to the feet. When this nerve is pinched or compressed, it can cause pain, tingling, or numbness.

High Heels Can Cause Strains and Sprains in the Back and Feet

Wearing high heels can lead to strains and sprains in the back and feet. There are two primary reasons for this:

  1. Tightening of Muscles:
    When you wear high heels, the muscles from your feet to your back are tightened. The plantar fascia, a ligament in the foot that forms the arch on the sole, is connected to the calf muscles, which are connected to the hamstrings. The hamstrings, in turn, are connected to the lower back and pelvis. When the plantar fascia is stretched while wearing heels, it tightens everything from your feet to your back, causing strain and potential pain.
  2. Walking on the Balls of Your Feet:
    High heels force you to walk on the balls of your feet, shifting your body weight and center of gravity forward. To maintain balance, your upper body has to lean back or arch, putting pressure on the lower back. Prolonged arching of the lower back can lead to pain and discomfort.High Heels Can Affect Posture

Another reason why high heels can cause back pain is the effect they have on posture. The altered alignment of the spine caused by high heels can lead to a forward head posture and rounded shoulders. This can put additional stress on the back, leading to muscle imbalances and potential pain.

High Heels can Increase the Risk for Back Pain - Here's how

The combination of the altered alignment of the spine, tightened muscles, and changes in posture due to wearing high heels can increase the risk of back pain. The strain on the back, hips, and legs can result in discomfort and potential long-term damage to the spine and surrounding structures.

Reasons Why You Shouldn't wear Heels everyday

While high heels may be fashionable, it's important to consider the potential risks and limitations associated with wearing them every day. Here are some reasons why you should avoid wearing heels regularly:

  1. Increased Risk of Injury:
    Wearing high heels can increase the risk of falls and injuries due to instability and a higher center of gravity. Falls can have severe consequences for the spine and other body parts.
  2. Muscle Imbalances:
    Wearing high heels regularly can lead to muscle imbalances in the legs, hips, and back. This can contribute to poor posture and chronic pain.
  3. Long-Term Damage to Spine: The altered alignment of the spine caused by high heels can accelerate wear and tear on intervertebral discs, joints, and ligaments. This can result in disc degeneration and herniation over time.

What Can You Do to Relieve Back Pain and Prevent Injury?

If you experience back pain from wearing high heels, there are steps you can take to relieve the pain and prevent further injury. Here are some tips:

How can I save my back from wearing heels?

  1. Limit Heel Height:
    Opt for lower heels, preferably no higher than 2 inches. Higher heels put more strain on the back and increase the risk of injury.
  2. Choose Properly Fitted Shoes:
    Ensure that your shoes fit properly and have rounded rather than pointed toes. This allows for better support and reduces the risk of foot and back pain.
  3. Alternate with Flats: Avoid wearing high heels every day. Instead, alternate with flats or shoes with lower heels to give your feet and back a break.

What exercises can I do to prevent and relieve back pain from wearing heels?

  1. Stretching:
    Before and after wearing high heels, stretch your leg muscles and hip flexors. Focus on stretching the calves, hamstrings, and plantar fascia to relieve tension in the back.
  2. Strengthening:
    Strengthen and increase the range of motion in your ankles and feet. Walking barefoot on sand can help strengthen the feet, and exercises like the "marble pickup" can improve foot strength.
  3. Foot Massage:
    Consider getting professional foot massages, such as reflexology, to relax and lengthen the plantar fascia and loosen the hamstrings.

Remember, if you have suffered from a serious back injury or chronic back pain, it is essential to seek professional medical advice and treatment options. A qualified healthcare provider can assess your condition and provide appropriate guidance.

In conclusion, while high heels may be a fashion statement, wearing them too often can lead to back pain and potential long-term damage. It is important to be mindful of the impact high heels can have on your spine and take steps to relieve back pain and prevent injury. By choosing lower heels, wearing properly fitted shoes, and incorporating stretching and strengthening exercises into your routine, you can minimize the risks associated with wearing high heels. Your back will thank you for it!

For more information about relieving back pain and preventing injury, contact Achilles Foot Clinic, a leading Podiatry Clinic based in Calgary, AB.


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